

This website and product represents no intellectual property, none of the ideas are self-invented, in fact I openly admit that all information is gathered from books, videos and seminars along my own personal experience. The content is free of any charge, even though it may not:

be sold individually; be distributed as part of a package intended to be sold; be copied, amended, broken down or offered on auction sites.

Legitimate uses of this website include:

  • free distribution of the complete work, using online or offline channels.
  • adding the complete works to your website(s) for download by users.
  • emailing the complete works to your loved ones, friends, colleagues, students, community or mailing list.
  • providing the work, in part or whole, for any educational purposes only.
  • offering this product as a free bonus to a paid product.

Thank you and sincerely yours,

Sascha Born