III. Goal Setting

Setting your goal the right way - the one thing that can change your life.

Life without a clearly defined and written out goal is only a half life. You will never achieve your highest self and potential, if you don't work with goals in life. The method is rather simple to explain, but not easy to apply. It requires the ability to think - and I'm not talking brain exercise here.

On the importance of defining what you want - exactly.

How come that most people expect to turn life into something positive, but never sit down and define what they actually want? What does positive even mean, or rich, or healthy, happy or in love? All of the above mean different things to different people. To say "I know what I want" is rubbish and you will trick no-one except yourself. You have to define what you want exactly. Mind three major steps.

1. ASK (intelligently) = Ask with intelligence.

Be clear on what you want. Don't mumble. No one get's anything clear and specific by mumbling. "I want to be rich" - is mumbling. "I will have in my possession 10.000.000,00€ by the 1st of January 2030, for the service I render within my mastermind group. Riches will come to me in direct proportion to the service I render and I commit to myself, that I will do everything to succeed. I will do it or die." - is clear and you will certainly get what you asked for.

Examples on mumbling and questions to be more clear.:

- I want to be rich. Rich in what, money? How much, exactly? Be specific to the amount. What do you want to give in return? Remember - Give and ye shall receive.

- I want a new car. What type? What colour? Interior? Exterior? With air condition? How will that feel? Where will you drive it? When? Who will drive with you?

The first step in getting the results you want is to write down exactly what you want. In the bible it says, ask with intelligence. Which means that you shouldn't mumble, while you are asking = defining the goal. Be precise, be very clear what you want. If much, how much exactly? If big, how big? colourful, what colour?

2. BELIEVE (like a child) = Have faith into your self and abilities to get what you want. That is what the imagination is for.

See yourself already in possession of what you want. Feel the felling, as if you already are in possession of your goal. Invite the emotions and mix the thoughts to feel the feelings in your heart of hearts. Earl Nightingale had a section in his "Lead the field" program, where he said the following.: “Now right here we come to a rather strange fact. We tend to minimize the things we can do, the goals we can accomplish, and for some equally strange reason we think other people can accomplish things that we cannot. I want you to understand that that is not true. You have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you that you can bring to the surface and achieve all that you desire.” Believe and you shall receive.

3. RECEIVE (with all your heart)

Receiving is like the ocean, there is plenty. And yet, you are bound to laws which are called the seven laws of success.

Repetition, repetition, repetition... rebuilding your self-image.

Part of your sub-conscious mind is the self image - You probably heard that before. But it is your self-image that determines the way you act, you feel and you behave. You see yourself a certain way and that is how you want to be perceived in the world without. 

READ: Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

A personal note on goal setting.

Like Neale Donald Walsch said: "Your life is not about you. Your life is about everyone else whose life you touch", so it is with goals - they tend to come easier, when the outcome is not concentrated around you, but the people you influence positively. Get your feelings and emotions (energy in motions) involved as much as you can and don't be boosting or selfish with your goals. You will see that life will get much more easy, when you stop to focus on yourself or material possessions that you thing you need. You arrived naked and that is how you will leave again. Meaning can only be found in relationships, be they human or otherwise. Be a servant to your fellow men and sooner or later you will be richer than all whom you served well.

On the importance of writing your goal down - on paper.

Why you should write down with pen and paper (even in favour of typing) you might ask?

Here is a quote on this subject from Leland Val Van de Wall that has stuck with me for years:

Writing causes thinking.

Thinking creates an image.

Images control feelings.

Feelings cause actions.

Actions create results.

Why setting money as a first goal is a good thing.

Money, as well as Goal Setting... unfortunately, this topic is not taught in school, where it should be nowadays as one of the crucial lessons to be prepared for life. For money, people tent to love it or hate it, they build their lives around it, but most people will never have enough of it to be truly wealthy in terms of money. In fact 9 out of 10 people suffer their whole life in lack of money, because they have never learned anything about it - Not what it is nor what it was meant to be. ... let me digest for a minute.

I hear statements like 'Money is not important' or 'Money doesn't make you happy'. That is a ridiculous statement by itself, because money was never meant to make you happy, it was meant to make you comfortable. And yes, money is important; In the area we decided it is. Happiness is an inside thing, money is to be comfortable from the outside. Money is not the root of evil, but the love of money is and to be bound to the physical and never get a chance to connect to the source of all creation where money is a natural consequence and comes easily along with service. Don't be stupid and think there is a shortcut on the laws of success. The streets are full of men that thought so and are prove that there is no such thing as a shortcut.


“When a man is down and out he has time on his hands for brooding. He may travel miles to see a man about a job and discover that the job is filled or that it is one of those jobs with no base pay but only a commission on the sale of some useless knick- knack which nobody would buy, except out of pity. Turning that down, he finds himself back on the street with nowhere to go but just anywhere. So he walks and walks. He gazes into store windows at luxuries which are not for him, and feels inferior and gives way to people who stop to look with an active interest. He wanders into the railroad station or puts himself down in the library to ease his legs and soak up a little heat, but that isn’t looking for a job, so he gets going again. He may not know it, but his aimlessness would give him away even if the very lines of his figure did not. He may be well dressed in the clothes left over from the days when he had a steady job, but the clothes cannot disguise the droop. He sees thousands of other people, bookkeepers or clerks or chemists or wagon hands, busy at their work and envies them from the bottom of his soul. They have their independence, their self- respect and manhood, and he simply cannot convince himself that he is a good man, too, though he argue it out and arrive at a favorable verdict hour after hour. t is just money which makes this difference in him. With a little money he would be himself again." - unknown author.

Books on money, I can recommend.

Title: Rich Dad Poor Dad

Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki

My comments:

To learn about the difference between earned income, passive income and portfolio income.

Get your version now in English!

Hardcopy on Amazon
or the audiobook on Audible.

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Gebundene Ausgabe auf Amazon
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To get the basics about money right, this is probably one of the best books you'll find. It is one of four books I recommend reading on the subject at least twice. If you feel that to read this book twice, I recommend to read it at least five times. After that, you should yourself manage to read books on the subject or remain broke - your choice.

Title: The 4-Hour Workweek

Author: Tim Ferriss

My comments:

"Perception changes everything - where you are and what you do."

Get your version now in English!

Hardcopy on Amazon
or the audiobook on Audible.

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Gebundene Ausgabe auf Amazon
oder das Audio Buch auf Audible.


... To learn about the wage of money in your life, according to the environment you life in.

Title: The Richest Man in Babylon

Author: George S. Clason

My comments:

"Learn how to manage your money early in life. It really doesn't matter if you have 1$ to manage or 1 Million $. If you can manage little money, chances are that the universe will sees to it, that you will get the chance to manage big money."

Get your version now in English!

Hardcopy on Amazon
or the audiobook on Audible.

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Gebundene Ausgabe auf Amazon
oder das Audio Buch auf Audible.

No Public domain version available.


From every 10 $ you earn, keep 1 $ to invest. 1$ to spent for pleasure. 1$ for your education. 1$ to give to less fortunate. 1$ to your long term savings. 5$ for your live's necessities.

As well as:

MJ DeMarco's books:

- The millionaire fast lane

- Unscripted

Title: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Author: Dale Carnegie

My comments:

"One of two books that I strongly recommend to everyone, who is interacting with people on a day to day basis in business environment."

Get your version now in English!

Hardcopy on Amazon
or the audiobook on Audible.

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Gebundene Ausgabe auf Amazon
oder das Audio Buch auf Audible.

No Public domain version available.


A great book on how to get along in life better and the interaction with people to your best possible advantage, without any notion of manipulating people. In it's very core, there is a foundation which is commonly used in other forms of more active ways to influence people and their decisions. To know the foundation is a true asset in life.

Title: The 48 Laws of Power

Author: Robert Greene

My comments:

"In a nutshell - People are everything from jerks to kind and loving individuals, here is how to get along with everyone."

Get your version now in English!

Hardcopy on Amazon
or the audiobook on Audible.

Hol dir jetzt deine Version in Deutsch!

Gebundene Ausgabe auf Amazon
oder das Audio Buch auf Audible.

No Public domain version available.


A quite intense book and a less gentle way than "How to Win Friends and Influence People - by Dale Carnegie". Still one of the best two books on the subject I would pick out of 100+ books on the subject I know.